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Trade in values
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May i suggest you focus on finding someone interested in upgrading to a DP and negotiating a win-win trade... dealers look for making money on both transactions... an individual trade should work out better if you find the right individual.

Johan & Cindy Praats

2019 LXE 40M, Cummins L9 380 HP, XCM Freightliner

2022 Escape flat tow

We too are concerned of the low value dealer thinks they can get, although we haven’t dipped into trade in market. Just what we’ve heard. Dealers are going to tell you “we have to make money on the resale of that 2015”, but stick to your guns. “I came here deal, not give you my first born, for next to nothing”. Walk on and be in no hurry. If you know it’s worth $140K and they are offering $110K, walk on. Dealers have been in business long enough to show you some bogus numbers, “payoff”, “discounts from MSRP”, “extended warranty”, etc, that they count on the starry-eyed customer to jump on “those low monthly payments”. Consider some sort of third party broker who just wants a commission and you want cash in hand. Good luck and let us know the outcome.

Ken and Janet Wahl

2017 Discovery 40x

w/Buick Envision in tow

Dollie, Star and Charlie


Hi All, We are trying to downsize to a new 30ft gas Class A and are really getting lowballed by two dealers on trade in value. Has anyone successfully made a deal with a dealer and received a decent trade in on a 2015 or so D? I know it is better to sell privately but not having luck there either. Thx! JeffA

Jeff and Kim Anstey

2015 40E + 2020 Ford Escape toad

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